Distance: Unknown (We did not reach the top. No GPS.)
Altitude: 2,495 m
Elevation Gain: ~750m (turnaround point)
Area: Jasper
Crew: Ben
Time to Summit: N/A (We did not reach the top.)
Lisa's Mom Rating: Yes
Additional Info:
We attempted this in winter so it was a slog. Ben was breaking trail in snow shoes, so we (he) did a lot of route finding and again, breaking trail, so it was exhausting and we didn't move too quickly. After a few hours and finally getting a glimpse of the peak through the trees (we were in the trees the entire time), we realized we were only half-way there elevation-wise, approx. 750m. So we turned around and of course we got down in half of the time with the obvious trail and downhill. We had fun anyways!
I'd love to do this again in the summer, it would be much more practical!
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